Sometimes you just have to walk away when EFT Tapping doesn’t help. There, I said it. As much as I love EFT Tapping and have invested LOTS of time this last weekend tapping, there are some times when you just have to walk away because the tapping your doing doesn’t help.

Sometimes you just have to walk away when EFT Tapping doesn’t help. You need other strategies too!
Now I’m definitely not saying that EFT Tapping doesn’t work, quite the contrary! It works beautifully for what it’s intended to do – release the emotional charge that is keeping you stuck.
What I realized this weekend is that sometimes I “over-rely upon” tapping to “solve my problem.” Granted, 99% of the time, at least for me and the things that I’m tapping on, the tapping does “solve my problem.” It’s that 1% that I stumble over, like I did this weekend.
As I’m really getting the latest version of my business off the ground, I’ve been looking at several ways to increase the financial inflow (AKA bring in more money.) In addition to the aspects of my business that revolve around EFT Tapping, I was starting down another path which would create some ongoing income that should require relatively little of my time once it’s setup, and maybe 40-50 hours to setup.
The problem was that I had rejected this path when it was first presented. Then I learned more about it, and had a phone call which pretty much removed all of my objections, at the time, and I jumped in right before the opportunity closed.
Sometimes it seems like the Universe is conspiring against us.
At least that’s sure the way that it felt as I walked down the path to move forward with my new business investment. Initially I didn’t get my login information, and the support tickets were being “handled” out of Canada – and this was their long Thanksgiving weekend! I’d put in 3 support tickets and still hadn’t gotten the necessary info. As of Friday, a week after I’d purchased, I still didn’t think I had my login info. I searched my Email one last time before I was going to put in another support ticket, and there I found the EMail from TUESDAY that had what I needed! Up until I found it, it seemed like every time I tried to move forward with this I was blocked by something outside of me.
During that week of waiting, I’d been all over the place, up and down, excited and repulsed, by the idea of stepping into this new venture and applying myself to rapidly create results. I wanted to be 100% sure that I would be successful with it before the 30-day refund period was up. With my new-found login credentials, I set aside the entire weekend to apply myself for rapid success.
What I found was that sometimes things were going smoothly, and other times I was so anxious and stressed to “get on with it already,” rather than methodically consuming the training and following the step by step process. The more stressed I became, the less clear and understandable the training became for me. I became rather agitated at myself and the situation because normally I’m very capable of doing what they were teaching and getting the desired results. And I did a bunch of tapping on it for all kinds of things. I wish I had taken some notes, because I was getting great shifts…but still not solving the problem.
By Sunday afternoon, I couldn’t take it any more, and I walked away – literally!
I went for a walk to clear my head and refocus on my business GOALS. I’d been stuck in “process” all weekend, and l needed to pop up and out of that and see if I was even in the right place.
During that walk, I realized that this new “business venture” was taking me away from my core business. Not that there is anything wrong with were it was taking me. But right now, in this critical early growth stage, I really feel that I need to focus on only one thing – building my core businesses around EFT Tapping.
So I now had a way to filter and measure my opportunities and activities on a moment-by-moment basis. “Is what I’m doing (or about to do) right now, directly building my core business, or will it make it easier in the near future to do so more efficiently and effectively?” That is the focusing question that I MUST be checking in on constantly. The follow up question is: “Is this the most important thing to be doing right now, in order to get the best results, fastest?”
Because of my new found clarity and understanding of the “right” question to be asking myself, I am feeling MUCH calmer and much more optimistic about my business direction than I was all weekend. I have a renewed clarity around my sense of business purpose too.
Tapping Time!
I just remembered one of the things that I tapped on as I was struggling so much this weekend: “Even though I HAVE TO MAKE THIS WORK, and it MUST work before the 30 days is up, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I’m so stressed about making this work fast that I can’t even force myself to sit down and study, let alone relax and study, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I’m so agitated that I can’t see clearly what it is that I’m supposed to do and how to proceed, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Yeah, I think it may have been that last setup phrase that created the space for walking away and getting some clarity of purpose and direction.
I hate to admit it, but I can see how there was some truth to the idea that “the Universe was conspiring against me”…going down that path, because that’s not the right path for me right now!
I guess sometimes I get so focused on what I think I want, or what I think is the “right answer,” that I don’t see the whole picture, nor have the perspective to find the “truth” in the situation.
I guess I need to “pull my head out” more often, come up for air, and look around to see if I really am in the right place, and focused on the right thing. It’ll probably do me a lot of good!
How about you? Has any of this struck a note of truth for you in your life? I know “I’m special” but I can’t be the ONLY one who’s run into this sort of thing! 😉 Please share your thoughts below, and over on Facebook –