Hi, my name is Brad Reed, and I want to welcome you to WithEFTTapping.com. That’s me up in the corner of the header graphic.
Since you’ve come to the About Us page, I’m betting that you’re interested in learning more about me because I’m the author and creator of the materials on this site and also over at my other sites, including TheSecretForLawOfAttraction.com and also TapAndBitch.com where I show people how to release their emotional upset fast! You can also find at least one of my books, Fast Migraine Headache Relief With EFT Tapping available for kindle on Amazon.com.
This is kind of an “us” thing too, because all of my business endeavors live under Transformation Bay, LLC, and I also have others contribute content to my websites from time to time.
For more than 25 years I’ve been on a personal journey of discovery, trying to figure out “why we do what we do,” and then trying to eliminate the problems that causes, and thus eliminate the barriers to building the “better life” we each want.
About 15 years ago I bumped into EFT, but didn’t understand it’s significance until I studied the subconscious mind some more, so I could put together the rest of the puzzle pieces.
About a decade ago I started to understand the full impact of what I’d learned and discovered about the subconscious mind and clearing away the “little demons” that cause the blocks in our everyday life.
This EFT Tapping technique worked so well for me that I
- Invested in studying live with the creator of EFT, Gary Craig…
- Earned my EFT certification though his program…
- Had one of my case studies highlighted in his news letter and on the official EFT web site – emofree.com
EFT is just one of the “healing modalities” in which I’m trained – a fact which brings additional perspective and leverage to eliminating the blocks which are hidden in your subconscious mind. I’m an Electrical Engineer by training (not a doctor of any kind!) so I bring an interesting mix of both right-brain and left-brain viewpoints to everything I do in life.
My personal crusade started…
- After the debut of The Secret, when there was lots of fresh attention on “how to manifest what you want.” I felt that a big part of the message of that movie basically boiled down to “focus better and try harder” – rather than addressing the real problem.
- I was saddened by the intense frustration of people who were not able to manifest their dreams because of the hidden road blocks that stop most people.
- And I was so incensed by all of the self judgment that was being induced in people by those “false promises,” that I knew I had to do something.
You see, I can relate to you as someone who has battled with the blocks that his own personal history created.
I was able to successfully find the key to quickly and easily removing those blocks – and now I’m here to help you.
One of the biggest challenges with EFT and Tapping in general is figuring out what to say. That’s why I created TapAndBitch.com to help people get past that roadblock. In this site, not only can you find the EFT Quick Start Video Learning System, which I created, but also the Tap And Bitch Technique training.
I recommend using EFT and Tapping every day. Being an entrepreneur can be challenging at times and most days I find myself using tapping more than once, and often several times in a day. Sometimes I’m tapping around releasing an upset, other times it’s around some (self imposed) limitation or belief, or even sometimes it is self-sabotage that I’ve spotted within me and my behavior.
I’ve often said, if your heart has beat more than twice, you probably have lived long enough to have something to tap on!
Gratitude for the use of media – Licensed and/or creative commons and/or otherwise authorized:
Broken pencil: https://www.flickr.com/photos/theilr/5360570788
Tapping a pencil: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tomsaint/2987926396/in/photostream/
Free Images from Hubspot.com http://offers.hubspot.com/free-stock-photos
Relax: http://www.dreamstime.com/relax-free-stock-photo-imagefree138885
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iStockPhoto.com http://www.istockphoto.com/photo/students-reading-at-the-library-19716260
Many images are from PresenterMedia.com
VideoBlocks.com: http://www.videoblocks.com/videos/details/Angel-Tears-angeltears58-production-music/
VideoBlocks.com: http://www.videoblocks.com/videos/details/Absolute-Emotion-absolute_emotion30-production-music/